Storm fly the flag for Pride weekend!
Your Go Goodwins Manchester Storm are thrilled to announce that until the end of Sunday, all our social media display pictures will proudly show our #PRIDE in Manchester, as we fly the LGBT flag behind the Storm Logo for the duration of the Manchester Pride 2016 weekend!
Organised events marking and celebrating LGBT life Manchester have taken place over the last two and a half decades in and around our city’s Gay Village. In 2003 Manchester was host to EuroPride which saw the birth of the Manchester Pride event, that is today in the format of The Big Weekend.
The Manchester Pride weekend campaigns for equality and challenges discrimination & creates opportunity for engagement and participation, celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender life and fundraises to enrich and empower LGBT organisations, charities and communities in Greater Manchester, and your Go Goodwins Manchester Storm couldn’t be happier to help raise awareness of this cause.
For more information about the Manchester Pride weekend, please click HERE.
#Pride2016 #WeAreStorm