Storm Down Under
NEXT HOME GAME: The Go Goodwins Manchester Storm face the Fife Flyers at the Storm Shelter on Sunday, 6th March (5pm face-off). Tickets can be purchased online by clicking here, calling the box office on 08700 852 929 or direct at the box office.
As your Go Goodwins Manchester Storm skated away with the four points this weekend, after victories over the Dundee Stars and Edinburgh Capitals, two of our loyal volunteers were celebrating their honeymoon in Australia, but they have continued to fly the Storm “flag” whilst being on the other side of the world!
Andy and Bernadette Shaw are currently on a tour around Australia and have made sure to pack their Storm jerseys and scarfs, along with a small Storm teddy bear, to help promote the Storm down under! The whole of the Storm organisation wish Andy and Bernadette a wonderful honeymoon, and we look forward to hearing all about your travels when you return!
If any of you have any photos in Storm shirts around the world or anywhere special, be sure to tweet it to us @Mcr_Storm, or email it to gm@manchesterstorm.com.