The Manchester Storm would like welcome Hannah Fitzsimmons to the club, who joins in the role of Marketing Manager.
Hannah will assist General Manager, Neil Russell, with the marketing of the club and will be leading the Storm Community Programme throughout all of next season, something the club place huge importance on.
Storm GM, Neil Russell, had the following to say about the appointment, “I’m delighted to have Hannah on board with the Storm moving into next season. She will provide myself with some extra needed help in the Storm office, but her primary role will be Marketing the club, plus also running our community programme. We have some big plans for the schools & community programme moving into next season, and Hannah will be pivotal in driving that forward for us”.
Presently, Hannah is working 3 days a week, but from September, she will be moving to a more full time role. Everyone please join us in welcoming Hannah to the Storm, we are sure she will be a huge success! If you have any schools/community groups that you have in mind & that you’d like the Storm to get involved with, please send an email to hannah@manchesterstorm.com & be sure to add Hannah on Twitter @mcrstormhannah! #StormGrowing!!