PRE-SEASON TICKETS: The Go Goodwin’s Manchester Storm are pleased to announce that tickets for our 2017 pre-season games against the Sheffield Steelers & Coventry Blaze are now available to purchase. Tickets can be ordered online by clicking here, by calling the box office on 0161 926 8782, or in person at the box office.
The Manchester Storm would like welcome Stuart Pendlebury to the club, who joins in the role of Group Sales Executive.
Stuart will work under General Manager, Neil Russell, and have a remit for driving group ticket sales of the club and will help the club grow our sponsorship portfolio throughout all of next season.
Storm GM, Neil Russell, had the following to say about the appointment:
“We are delighted to have Stuart on board with the Storm moving into this new season. He will provide some extra needed help in the Storm office, his primary role will be selling group tickets for the club & assisting in driving our 200 Club. There are a few EIHL clubs who have installed a Group Sales Exec into their franchises and it has proven very successful, and with Stuart having previous experience in group sales, we are very confident that he will be a great success for the club moving forwards.”
Everyone please join us in welcoming Stuart to the Storm! If you have any groups that you think would be interested in coming to our home games, please email stuart@storm-office.com.
PRE-SEASON TICKETS: The Go Goodwin’s Manchester Storm are pleased to announce that tickets for our 2017 pre-season games against the Sheffield Steelers & Coventry Blaze are now available to purchase. Tickets can be ordered online by clicking here, by calling the box office on 0161 926 8782, or in person at the box office.