FansView update – FEBRUARY 2023
NEXT HOME GAME: Tickets for our Elite League fixture on Saturday 18th February 2023 are available online HERE, by calling 0161-926-8782 or in person at the Planet Ice Box Office! Doors open 6PM for a 7PM start.
FansView update – February 2023
Since launching FansView a couple of weeks ago now we have been delighted with the number of fans sending us their thoughts and ideas on how to help improve the match night experience.
What has been fantastic to read is that most of you think we are already doing a great job, thank you! We aim to give you a night to remember every time you visit the Shelter so it’s good to hear we are on the right track!
We are rapidly approaching the final few games of the current season so it is unlikely we will be able to implement your ideas in time to enjoy them this season, however we have been reading through your suggestions and feel we can certainly have some in place for next season!
We wanted to give you some feedback on some of the suggestions as well as some comments on ones that we may be unable to implement;
- Merchandise
- Small flags – we are looking into creating a smaller flag for people to buy and wave at games next season
- Delays in online jersey orders – we have been working with our supplier this season to try and rectify the issues that you have encountered.
- Game night – we received many suggestions for improvements on game night, here are a few we are looking into;
- New goal celebration video
- Videos for penalty calls
- Pre-game music playlist selected by a player
- Basic rules of the game for newcomers
- Goal horn to be a little louder
- Ideas for the big screen
- Birthday announcements
- Videos as mentioned above
- Others
- Shirt of the Back – we are looking at how we can get the prize winner to receive the jersey that night from the player post-game
- Season Tickets – we are currently looking into the feasibility of more payment plan options for next season.
- Block 113 – we will speak to Planet Ice to see if they can add a note to the online booking process that this is a ‘noisy’ block, we will also add to our social media.
I am sure you will appreciate there is a lot for us to look into but we are committed to reviewing every single suggestion to see how we can make it work.
We understand a number of you raised questions regarding the toilet and bar facilities in the Shelter. We are talking with Planet Ice on a regular basis to try and work together to improve both of these points.
Please do keep your ideas and suggestions coming, we are enjoying receiving them and seeing if/how we could make them happen for you.
Thanks as always for your support #ATTWWY
NEXT HOME GAME: Tickets for our Elite League fixture on Saturday 18th February 2023 are available online HERE, by calling 0161-926-8782 or in person at the Planet Ice Box Office! Doors open 6PM for a 7PM start.