Challenge Cup Quarter Finals
NEXT HOME GAME: The Go Goodwins Manchester Storm face the Belfast Giants at the Storm Shelter in Altrincham, this Wednesday 20th January (7pm face-off) in Challenge Cup quarter final action. Tickets can be purchased online via the club website, www.manchesterstorm.com, calling the Box Office on Tel: 0161-926-8782.
This Wednesday, the 20th of January at 7pm, the Go Goodwins coaches sponsored Manchester Storm will face the Belfast Giants in the 1st leg of the Challenge Cup Quarter Finals, following on from a successful group stage.
The Manchester Storm would like to remind ALL season ticket holders that the home leg of the Challenge Cup quarter final is NOT included in their season ticket – and a ticket must be bought for the game. We would also like to ask all season ticket holders to purchase their tickets prior to game day, to help ensure their usual season ticket seat is allocated.
The box office is open daily from 9am and tickets may also be bought from our ticketing website.