Armed Forces Jersey Auction

The silent jersey will begin on Monday 29th October at 9am and finish on Saturday 3rd November at 5pm

The starting price for jerseys is £80, and jerseys will be either game worn, or game issued and not worn by a player. Each jersey features an embroidered poppy emblem.

Please email the following email with the following in the subject bar:

  • Name and number of player and current bid in whole £, e.g. 1 GINN £80
  • please then put your name in the email .

You will then get an email either confirming your the highest bidder or that you have been outbid.

You can bid on as many shirts as you want to, and as many times as you like

Bids must be in whole £s, and must be above the starting price of the shirts.

No bids will be accepted before 9am Monday 29th October and no bid will be accepted after 5pm Saturday 3rd November.

All winners will have the option to add short covers and socks at an additional price , these will then go on sale in the shop after all bids have been settled and winners notified.

Successful bidders will be presented with their jerseys after the match on Friday 9th November, with the players presenting their jerseys in the bar to the jersey owners.

Available jerseys

1 Matt Ginn

2 Harrison Ruopp

3 Riley Stadel

4 Felix Poulin

9 Luke Moffat

10 Dallas Ehrhardt

17 Logan MacMillan

19 Dylan Anderson

21 Mike Hammond

23 Bobby Chamberlain (Game issue)

26 Rob Linsmayer

27 Linden Springer (Game issue)

31 Declan Ryan (Game issue)

34 Dane Byers

49 Brendan Brooks

61 Chris Auger

70 Blood jersey (Game issue)

72 Henry Pacl (Game issue)

74 Lee Bonner (Game issue)

79 Shane Bakker

80 Blood jersey (Game issue)

88 Adam Barnes

89 Ciaran Long

91 Evan Richardson

93 Marcus Basara (Game Issue)

94 Declan Balmer